Golden Boy

Why Become an Independent Consultant?

You are a skilled professional who has delivered solutions to many problems over your career. You consistently add value.

With the experience you have gained in the industry comes a certain amount of autonomy. Your security when you started out was based on belonging to an organization, however, it has evolved to the point that your security now is based on your resume. Your skills and experience are in demand.

As an independent consultant here are some of the things you can expect:

Variety of assignments

Ever been stuck too long doing the same assignment? Want to learn to solve a different business or technology problem? Do you enjoy new teams to work with? Do you enjoy mentoring and technology transfer?


Want to be able to work different hours or timeframes? Not always possible - you have to prove yourself first with a client - but it has been and is done regularly. Maybe you have retired from a successful career and want a flexible contract, higher than employment income.


First of all, most of the engagement's compensation is yours. This means your income is significantly increased. There are possible tax advantages you can explore.

Your own business

There's a certain pride involved in owning your own enterprise. Also, there are several costs that can be written off and opportunities to take advantage of.

Talk to us - we'll be pleased to discuss any of the above points.

Why Become an @-IT Consultant?


We work hard to get to attain and maintain our reputation in the market place. We don't misrepresent anything - period.

Professional representation

Ever tried to keep tabs on all the things that are going on in the IT market in Winnipeg? Now, try to do it while you are working full time on an assignment. Our job is to keep constant contact with the market. Talking to clients regularly keeps us abreast of current and future plans, budgets, project opportunities, critical resource shortages and keeps a strong relationship in place.

Business office services

We provide all accounting, billing, collection, and receivable financing services required to maintain a professional business relationship with clients and consultants.

Business Liability coverage

Some clients require insurance coverage as part of the engagement. We provide it.

Master Service Agreements

We are fortunate in that we have MSA's with several of our largest clients. An MSA is a requirement that some clients have in order to engage consultants and in other cases it just makes it easier for them to engage with us administratively.